通常一份好的結案報告需要涵蓋些什麼? |
Generally, what should a good final report include? |
□一份計畫的敘述,以及它的成就 |
□A description of the project and its accomplishments |
□受惠社區的資料 |
□Information on the benefiting community |
□是否該計畫有提升社區的技能與知識 |
□Whether or not the project enhanced the community’s skills and knowledge |
□是否有合作的組織參予,以及該織如何與扶輪社員合作 |
□Whether or not a cooperating organization was involved and how the organization worked with Rotarians |
□有關扶輪社員(包括主辦單位與國際夥伴)如何提供實際親手參予的詳細資料 |
□Detailed information on how Rotarians (both host and international partners, where applicable) provided hands-on involvement |
□詳細支出、匯率、以及任何相關資料的清單 |
□Detailed list of expenditures, exchange rate, and any necessary supporting documentation |
□簽名批准 |
□Authorizing signature |
□結案報告也需要包括補助金特定問題的答案。 |
□The final report should also include answers to the grant-specific questions. |
請記住,這些是一般規範;每一類型的獎助金需要不同資訊。 |
Remember, these are general guidelines; each grant type has different information it requires. |
結案報告審核完後會如何? |
What happens after the final report is read? |
□扶輪基金會更新它的紀錄,而且假使報告是完整和計畫已經如被認可的執行,報告檔案會被結束,一份恭喜信函會被寄到所贊助的扶輪社/地區 |
□TRF Updates its records, and if the report is complete and the project has been implemented as approved, the file is closed and a congratulatory letter is sent to the sponsoring Rotary clubs/district(s) |
□好的計畫與活動相片經常被推薦給不同的刊物,而且經常作為扶輪英文月刊、全球扶輪社活動報導、和扶輪世界的特輯。 |
□Good projects with action photos are often referred to different publications and are often featured in The Rotarian, the News Basket, and The Rotary World. |
欠缺一份充份完整的結案報告會如何? |
What happens in absence of a good, complete final report? |
□贊助計畫的單位會被通知要提供更多的資料 |
□Project sponsors are contacted to provide the additional information. |
□未來的計畫可能會被延誤直到提供一份完整的結案報告為止。 |
□Future Projects may be delayed until a complete final report is provided |
- Sep 25 Thu 2008 11:34